The following graduates are listed with the original company that supported their participation in Leadership Baltimore County. LBC members can use the Alumni Directory to find out where they are today.
- Alvin Anton
BlueCross BlueShield
- Stephanie Bartal Lubitz
Junior League of Baltimore
- Nicole Bliss
Susquehanna Bank
- Becky Boynton
Friends School of Baltimore
- Tom Brush
Towson University
- Carol Dodson
- Greta Engle
Kelly & Associates
- Jeff Geller
Miles & Stockbridge
- David Greenberg
The League for
People with Disabilities
- Mary Pat Howard
Retirement Communities
- Tricia Isennock
Medstar Franklin
Square Hospital Center
- Alexander Jones
Baltimore County
Police Department
- Brian Kagan
Black & Decker Corp.
- Ann Kedia
T. Rowe Price
- Susan Klein
Gordon, Feinblatt, Rothman
Hoffberger & Hollander, LLC
- Chris Lonegro
Ober Kaler
- Lynn Manthy
M&T Bank
- Howard Marshall
Baltimore County Office
of Workforce Development
- Rob McFeaters
PHH Arval
- Kristin O’Ferrall
St. Agnes Foundation
- Liz Oliveros
- Benjamin Philips
Afro-American Newspapers
- Matt Rockstroh
PNC Financial
- Leanne Schrencengost
Royston, Mueller,
McLean & Reid
- Keith Scott
Baltimore County
Chamber of Commerce
- Tom Shouldice
Baltimore County
Public Schools
- Kent Smedley
- Candis Goffney
Delon Hampton & Associate
- Todd Sullivan
Retirement Communities
- Karen Travis
Travis Consulting Associates
- Deborah Ward
Baltimore County
Department of Social Services
- Eric Washington
Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC)
- Greg Weiner
Tydings & Rosenberg
- Charles Wolpoff
Lincoln Financial Advisors