Nominate Someone for Leadership Baltimore County
If you know someone with an unstoppable drive to affect change and shape the future of Baltimore County to become a vibrant, healthy and inclusive community, we encourage you to nominate him or her for consideration. Give the gift of LBC to your colleagues and friends. You may also qualify for our referral program as a result. Nominations should be submitted by May 1 to be included in the summer drawing. Learn more here.
Each person nominated will receive correspondence from Leadership Baltimore County, including an invitation to an upcoming Information Session when s/he will learn details about the program to discern if the program would be a good fit. At that time, a schedule of program dates will be available to ensure he or she can commit through the duration of the program.
Please fill out the form below to nominate a candidate, or to self-nominate.

“As an alum of Leadership Baltimore County, I had a chance to work with a group of 40 individuals from business, government and the non-profit sector, where we explored in day-long sessions critical issues such as economic development, transportation, social issues, regionalism, education, crime, etc. To have the greatest impact, we accept a range of class members from various walks of life.”
Jeff Valentine
LBC '03 Graduate