In Memoriam

Col. Kim Ward, LBC ’92, died of cancer on Aug. 7. She was a career Baltimore County Police officer who rose through the ranks to become the highest-ranking female officer in department history until 2019 when County Executive Johnny Olszewski, Jr., LBC ’10, appointed Chief Melissa Hyatt. Kim was a visionary whose heart was made of gold. She held herself and those around her to the highest standards while building people up and inspiring them to do their best,” said Amanda Zinn.

Kim served on LBC’s Alumni Board and stayed engaged with LBC for many years after her graduation from the program. She continued to nominate colleagues and business associates to LBC and was always available to assist in any way she could.

While it would be nearly impossible to list all of her accomplishments and accolades, you can get a sense of the hundreds of lives she touched and her profound impact on them through this moving video of her funeral service produced by the Baltimore County Police Department.

She will be sorely missed by so many, including her LBC family.

Letter From the President

While these are extraordinary times with great challenges, I have been so encouraged by the LBC community. As I consider the three major challenges our world is grappling with – a global pandemic and related economic down turn, a fight to end systemic racism, and climate change – I look to this amazing community and see so much promise. We have members who are:

  • Leading the way in discussion and action around building equity and inclusion;
  • Driving the census to ensure that proper funding and support is available in our community;
  • Supporting teachers and school administrators as they take on the greatest challenge of our generation;
  • Helping small business develop strategies to survive and even thrive; and
  • Delivering critical services such as meal delivery, physical and mental health care and public safety.

At LBC, we are rising to the occasion by:

  • Offering free information, connections and resources to our community regarding the pandemic;
  • Innovating service delivery formats to ensure our ability to deliver high-quality services in the midst of the pandemic;
  • Tackling current issues in our programs with open conversation, enlightening information and raw emotions;
  • Adopting strict safety protocols to keep guest speakers, class members, alumni, staff and our community safe; and
  • Standing up for the Black Lives Matter movement to advance equity and inclusion for all.

While there is so much more to do, LBC, like all nonprofits and most businesses, is being deleteriously impacted by the pandemic, too. Yet, we know that leadership is needed now more than ever. As a small nonprofit, we need your support so we can not only survive, but lead in these tough times. Would you take a moment to consider supporting LBC in any of the following ways?

To balance the perspective of all our challenges, I am grateful for the many positive things that have resulted from Covid-19:

  • A greener earth
  • More connected communities as neighbors look after one another;
  • A sharper focus on the things that matter most (relationships);
  • Newly learned technology and expertise;
  • Improved methodologies for delivering services;
  • Safer hygiene practices; and
  • Newly acquired experience in adapting / pivoting / shifting…

Speaking of shifting, I am excited to implement a whole new schedule and condensed timeline for the upcoming Class of 2021. We have been preparing for this potential change for many months and I am looking forward to sharing the experience with a whole new cohort of truly impressive class members – wait until you meet them! Since we delayed the start until January, it is not too late to be a part of the experience with us.

Finally, I would like to express my deepest sympathy to the family and friends of Kim Ward, LBC ’92. Kim was a phenomenal woman, as Maya Angelou would have said. I first met Kim when we played basketball in grade school (we were not in the same year). She was the fiercest player on her team and won the accolades of our coach and the whole basketball playing community. Little did I know then that her determination to be her best was a preview of how she would live her entire life. I was delighted to reconnect with Kim when I arrived at LBC and she served on what was then the Alumni Board. She was a great advocate and supporter of LBC and I will miss her wise counsel. Rest in peace and rise in glory, Kim. Job well done, my friend.

With appreciation,

Letter From the President

We are living in incredibly stressful times. From the once-in-a-lifetime (hopefully) pandemic to the economic fallout, the continued devaluing of black and brown lives and polarizing political perspectives, we are all hurting – and hurting deeply.

Over the last few months, I have been engaging with class members, alumni, corporate partners and sponsors and the community at large and the themes I am hearing are uncertainty and fear – about jobs and personal financial stability, the overall economy, how to stay safe and healthy during the pandemic, how to support at-home school-aged children while working full-time, concerns about who will be the next person to be unjustly treated or even killed…I wish I had the solutions to these complex and deeply rooted challenges; unfortunately, I have neither a silver bullet nor the answers.

What I can offer is perhaps a different perspective and a few resources. Rather than trying to fight uncertainty, try leaning into it. Think about the possibilities that open up when you can’t control things. When we have an open mind and an open heart huge gifts of new opportunities, ways of life, prioritization of values, etc. have room to take hold.

Secondly, take action. LBC’s Class of 2020 has adopted the mantra, “If you are not a part of the solution, you are part of the problem.” Finally, whether you are religious or not, two sources of strength and insight that I fall back on are the Serenity Prayer and books by Pema Chodron. Pema is an American Tibetan Buddhist nun whose insights into giving up the illusion of control and grounding are life-altering.

This newsletter issue has lots of information and opportunities that you don’t want to miss; so, please read on for opportunities to support Baltimore County, LBC and be a great servant leader.

With gratitude,

Inaugural LBC Referral Program

Welcome to LBC’s New Referral Program!

We believe the best way to strengthen Baltimore County and build LBC’s invaluable network is to include you, the community and LBC alumni, in referring the best candidates. And, we are making it worth your while to participate. For each eligible referral you make, you will be entered into a drawing to win the big prize. This is a win-win-win proposition – the more excellent candidates LBC accepts into its program, the better for Baltimore County, LBC and you!

Enjoy a memorable and delectable dinner for two at the renowned Citron, an upscale contemporary restaurant with exquisite views of Quarry Lake, followed by a romantic night’s stay at the Gramercy Mansion, an intimate, award-winning estate that is nestled in the bucolic hills of the Greenspring Valley.

Couple having dinner on valentines day

Gramercy Mansion

Nomination Rules 

  1. LBC’s referral program is open to anyone who wishes to nominate a candidate 
  2. All nominees must meet the eligibility requirements stated below to qualify for this program.  
  3. Every qualified nomination = 1 entry for the big prize drawing to be conducted in the fall. 
  4. First-time submissions of any given nominee will count in this giveaway. A second time nomination of the same person by the same nominator will not count.  
  5. Multiple submissions of the same nominee will count one time for each different nominator. 
  6. Nominations of LBC alumni will not count. 
  7. Nominations must be submitted through the online form and include email and phone number of nominee. 
  8. LBC board members are not eligible until they’ve satisfied their Board obligation to secure one class member. All additional nominations are eligible. 
  9. Staff and outside consulting firms hired to assist with outreach are ineligible. 

Qualified Nominations 

In order for a nomination to qualify for this program, the following criteria must be met: 

  • Nominee has not participated in LBC before; 
  • Nominee is at the director/VP level or above (exact title is not as important as standing in company); 
  • Nominee has demonstrated interest in supporting the community; 
  • Nominator believes nominee will both contribute to and benefit from the LBC experience; and 
  • Candidates not nominated by their employers should be able to gain approval for the time off from work and be capable of raising the financial resources to participate in LBC’s program. 

Below is the link to nominate a candidate